Robert D. Mather, Ph.D.

Articles and Chapters

Research Articles and Chapters 
DeLucia, P. R., & Mather, R. D. (2006). Motion extrapolation of car-following scenes in younger and older drivers. Human Factors, 48, 666-674. Link
DeLucia, P. R., Mather, R. D., Griswold, J. A., & Mitra, S. (2006). Toward the improvement of image-guided interventions for minimally invasive surgery: Three factors that affect performance. Human Factors, 48, 23-38. Link
Mather, R. D. (2006, September). Using evolutionary psychology to account for sex differences and similarities in psychological tendencies. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 1-5. Link
Mather, R. D. (2007, April). Toward a unified social psychology: The integrative social paradigm. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 8-13. Link

Mather, R. D. (2007, July). Age and driving behavior: Contributions from human factors. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 24-31. Link
Mather, R. D., & DeLucia, P. R. (2007). Testing for effects of racial attitudes and visual contrast on the speed of a driver's response to a pedestrian. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 10, 437-446. Link
Mather, R. D., & Knight, M. (2007, October). Human mate preferences: Empirical validation of dual sexual strategies using FANOVA. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 32-34. Link 
Mather, R. D. (2008). Social cognitive human factors of automobile driving. In S. E. Paterson & L. K. Allan. (Eds.), Road traffic: Safety, modeling, and impacts (pp. 385-401). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. Link
Reich, D. A., & Mather, R. D. (2008). Busy perceivers and ineffective suppression goals: A critical role for distracter thoughts. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 706-718. Link
Mather, R. D., & Mather, C. M. (2009). Testing the persuasiveness of the Oklahoma Academy of Science statement on science, religion, and teaching evolution. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 89, 1-9. Link 
Randolph-Seng, B., & Mather, R. D. (2009). Does subliminal persuasion work? It depends on your motivation and awareness. Skeptical Inquirer, 33, 49-53. Link

Mather, R. D., Martinez, A. M., Lord, W. D., & Boudreaux, M. C. (2013, August). The evolutionary forensic psychology of child abductions and child homicides. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 14-22. Link
Mather, R. D., Ray, C., McReynolds, E., & Jones, K. (2015). Longitudinal development of attention to hemispherical lateralization in emotion perception. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 95, 181-184. Link

Mather, R. D., & Jefferson, K. W. (2016, May). The authoritarian voter? The psychology and values of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders support. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 1-8. Link

Stephens, M. J. C., Mather, R. D., & Braly, A. (2016, June). Testing the effects of AMBER Alerts on face vigilance. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 18-27. Link

Mather, R. D., Belden, D., & Sherwood, H. (2017, December). Social cognitive factors of multi-level marketing. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 44-52. Link 

Silander, N. C., Geczy, B., Marks, O., & Mather, R. D. (2020). Implications of ideological bias in social psychology on clinical practice. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.

Durham, J., & Mather, R. D. (2020, August). Effect of priming Black, Hispanic/Latino, and White faces on firearm and non-firearm identification. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 41-60. Link

Mather, R. D. (2021). The inclusion of conservatives in science: Acknowledging liberal and conservative social cognition to improve public science attitudes. In J. D. Sinnott & J. S. Rabin, (Ed.), The Psychology of Political Behavior in a Time of Change (pp. 349- 363). Springer.

Norris, J. I., Casa de Calvo, M. P., & Mather, R. D. (2020). Managing in existential threat: How a global crisis contaminates organizational decision-making. Management Decision, 58 (10), 2117-2138.

Silander, N. C., & Mather, R. D. (2023). Critical social justice: Today's pseudoscience in American professional psychology. In V. Thomas (Ed.), Cynical therapies: Perspectives on the antitherepeutic nature of critical social justice (305-324). Ocean Reeve.

Book Reviews and Other Articles
DeLucia, P. R., Mather, R. D., Griswold, J. A., & Mitra, S. (2003). Human-centered design of image-guided interventions for minimally-invasive surgeries: Toward a methodology. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting (pp. 1579-1581). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Knight, M., & Mather, R. D. (2006). Psy (Ψ) Phi (Ф) [Review of A system architecture approach to the brain: From neurons to consciousness.]. PsycCritiques, 51 (46).

Mather, R. D., & Mather, C. M. (2006). The science of human behavior in Oklahoma: Psychology's lost identity. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 86, 97-98. Link

Knight, M., & Mather, R. D. (2008). UnSwayed. [Review of Swayed: The irresistible pull of irrational behavior.].  PsycCritiques, 53 (44).
Knight, M., & Mather, R. D. (2009). Swimming the river random. [Review of Outliers: The story of success.]. PsycCritiques, 54 (18).

Mather, R. D. (2010). Devlin's cubicle and the devil's cube. [Review of What Americans build and why: Psychological Perspectives.]. PsycCritiques, 55(49).

Mather, R. D. (2010). Who said (a falsifiable) what to whom?  [Review of Why him, why her?]. Evolutionary Psychology, 8, 110-112. Link
Mather, R. D., & Hurst, A. C. (2011). Friend me, Mr. Dunbar, or at least let me read your book. [Review of How many friends does one person need? Dunbar's number and other evolutionary quirks.]. Evolutionary Psychology, 9, 25-27. Link 
Mather, R. D., & Hurst, A. C. (2011). And a Machiavellian spin doctor shall lead them from the spotlight of the Cartesian theater. [Review of Why everyone (else) is a hypocrite: Evolution and the modular mind.]. Evolutionary Psychology, 9, 200-203. Link
Mather, R. D., & Boggess, A. (2011). The implications of automaticity for evolutionary forensic psychology [Review of On second thought: Outsmarting your mind's hard-wired habits.]. Evolutionary Psychology, 9, 204-206. Link 
Mather, R. D. (2011). A new monument to human altruism [Review of Altruism in humans]. PsycCritiques
Mather, R. D., & McReynolds, E. (2011). From the gutter to the stars: The dynamical system of evolutionary forensic psychology. [Review of Sex, murder, and the meaning of life.]. Evolutionary Psychology, 9, 309-312. Link

Mather, R. D., & McReynolds, E. (2012). The world is not black or white: The gray matters in naturally selected automatic cognition. [Review of What makes your brain happy and why you should do the opposite.]. Evolutionary Psychology, 10, 338-341. Link 

Mather, R. D., & Randell, J. A. (2013). The Psi Phi story of thermodynamic flow and the atoms of our hearts. [Review of Evolution and the emergent self: The rise of complexity and behavioral versatility in nature.] PsycCritiques, 58(18).
Thompson, K. A., & Mather, R. D. (2013). A personality for modern living. [Review of The wisdom of psychopaths: What saints, spies, and serial killers can teach us about success.]. Evolutionary Psychology, 11, 120-125. Link 
Mather, R. D. (2013). When “Me-Other” becomes “We-They”: The material effects of the social identity illusion. [Review of Social identity in question: Construction, subjectivity, and critique.]. PsycCritiques, 58(22)
Mather, R. D., & Jeyaraj, T. (2013). Of naked apes and hairy markets. [Review of Games primates play: An undercover investigation of the evolution and economics of human relations.]. PsycCritques, 58(20).
Mather, R. D., & Ayers, K. (2013). The business wisdom of Montgomery Brewster's uncle. [Review of Give and take.]. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 23-24. Link

McMillan, S., & Mather, R. D. (2013). Miswired miscreants. [Review of The anatomy of violence: The biological roots of crime.]. Evolutionary Psychology, 11, 1062-1066. Link 


Mather, R. D., & Hurst, A. C. (2013). An elaborate imagining manufactured from symbols and shared with the other “I’s.” [Review of Last ape standing: The seven-million-year story of how and why we survived.]. PsycCritiques, 58(50).


Mather, R. D.  (2014). Searching for Steve Austin and Barry Bonds: Should We Let the Cyborgs Play Ball? [Review of Engineering the human: Human enhancement between fiction and fascination.]. PsycCritiques, 59(5).

Mather, R. D., & Hurst, A. C. (2014) Looking up from the bottom of the family tree. [Review of Sexual selection under parental choice: The evolution of human mating behavior.]. PsycCritiques, 59(19).

Mather, R. D. (2014) The greatest pleasure in society. [Review of Mechanism of social connections: From brain to group.]. PsycCritiques, 59(5).

Mather, R. D., & Hurst, A. C. (2014). The inescapable mental residue of Homo categoricus. [Review of Blind spot: Hidden biases of good people.]. Evolutionary Psychology, 12, 1066-1070. Link

Mather, R. D. (2015). If inclusive fitness falls in a forest, what does it mean for sexual selection theory? [Review of Current perspectives on sexual selection: What's left after Darwin?]. PsycCritiques, 60(36).

Mather, R. D. (2015). Planetary altruist brother, can you spare a dime? Cash or check is fine. [Review of Does altruism exist? Culture, genes, and the welfare of others.]. PsycCritiques, 60(40). 

Mather, R. D. (2015). [Review of Murder in the courtroom: The cognitive neuroscience of violence.]. Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books. Link

Mather, R. D. (2016). Cold War diplomacy: Of men, nations, and a bridge from West to East and East to West. [Review of the film Bridge of Spies.]. PsycCritiques, 61(26).

Mather, R. D. (2017). The good Samritans of Old Kew Gardens. [Review of the film The Witness.]. PsycCritiques, 62(14).

Mather, R. D. (2017). The lighthouse of Okinawa. [Review of the film Hacksaw Ridge.]. PsycCritiques, 62(21).

Durham, J. D., Mather, R. D., & Dunn, S. M. (2019). Sexual selection. In: V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York: Springer. 

Jefferson, K. W., Mather, R. D., et al. (2021, February). New Power through the lenses of leadership studies, psychology, and politics. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 1-10. Link

Journal Editorials 
Mather, R. D. (2008, January). Editorial: Filling our niche in 2008. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 1-2. Link

Mather, R. D., & Jones, J. C. (2008, February). In search of the prize: Is conscious awareness a good thing? [Review of The new unconscious.]. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 3-8. Link
Mather, R. D. (2008, April). Editorial: How to cite a Journal of Scientific Psychology article. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 15-16. Link
Mather, R. D. (2008, December). Skeptical optimism: An open letter to new practitioners of scientific psychology. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 46. Link
Mather, R. D. (2011, February). A good day: Reflections on my Mentor, Mike Knight. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 1-5. Link
Mather, R. D. (2011, April). Skeptical optimism and pragmaticism: Voyage of an academic omnivore. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 24-26. Link
Mather, R. D., & Brand, S. (Eds.). (2012). Foundations for experimental social psychology: Requiem for classic social psychology [Special issue]. Journal of Scientific Psychology, 12-75. Link

Mather, R. D. (2020). The current OAS President's reflections on POAS. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 100, 3-4.